Brian Tracy - Performing At Your Best DVD [SaReGaMa4aLL]

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Performing At Your Best

Psychological Success Training With Brian Tracy

When it comes to the development of human potential and personal effectiveness, no one is more qualified to show you the way than Brian Tracy.

Brian is a dynamic and entertaining speaker with a remarkable ability to inform and inspire you toward peak performance.

In his keynote presentation, Performing At Your Best, Brian breaks down the "Psychology of Success" and what you MUST do to gain control of your life, including...

* The #1 excuse people make that guarantees they'll never achieve their goals... and what winners do instead

* How the "Law of Cause and Effect" works... (Hint: It's the basis of all breakthroughs)

* How to master your "Inner Game" and achieve financial independence, if that's your goal, simply by altering your thought patterns

* How to boost your income 10% to 30% every year

* The "X-Factor": How doing 99 things can get you nowhere, while 1 thing will change your entire life... and how to tap into it

* The "Law of Three" says there are ONLY three things in life that make you money. Do them and you will be successful!

As you listen to Brian, you'll begin to understand why the road to success starts in the mind... and what you must do TODAY to accelerate your

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